feeling sexy:
Being sexually excited.See Also: algoterpsia, ambivalence, be captivated by, be enchanted by, be fascinated by, beany, beefcakery, bimbosphere, break face, brutal breasting, capnocratia, Cosmo Girl, cutes, denial, eat with the hands, erotophobia, euphoria, feel fuzzy, feel poorly, feel unwell, feeling poorly, feeling unwell, fervor, fresh nugs, ginchy, give someone a grope, go to the opera, groper, grow a tail, have a lech, have it in large gobs, have it in large helpings, have the hots, have the urge to merge, hear the call, hot item, humpy, hunky, illyngophobia, intermenstrual pains, Jewish American Princess, juicy feeling, keen about, keen on, osphresiophilia, piquant, play footsy, play footsy-wootsy, Playboys Playmate, real babe, sex number, sex shop, slinky, socksy, spunk up (somebody), take somebody's pulse, temperature eroticism, twatty, wallet girl, wet dream-girl, whanking date, X-ey
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