Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
have affection for:
To like or love something or someone. See love for synonyms.See Also: abnormal forms, acanthophallic, acomoclitic, acomovulvate, acrorthosis, acrotomophile, acucullophallic, aculeophallic, aged, alley queen, anal impotence, anorchid, attachment, baby-faced, backed up, balls like a scoutmaster, bimboid, blah-faced, bottle-ass, bringing oneself off, broad in the beam, broad-beamed, bromidrophobia, bromidrosiphobia, buddy booths, bushie mall, callibombe, callicnemic, callicolpos, callicunnate, callifemoral, callimammapygian, callimastian, calliphallic, calliphygian, callipomate, callipygette, callipygian, callisphyrous, callisural, callitrichous, callomania, carry a bundle, case of spoons, a, caught in flagrante, cheating, cock-happy, copping, courtesan fantasy, cow-cunted, cucumber queen, cum dodger, deformity fetishism, doing the thang, double fire, double payment, enjoy favors, enosiophobia, entertaining royalty, fat-ass, flat-chested, free loving, get your end away, getting a bit on the side, getting bent, getting laid, getting off, getting your leg-over, girlish, give some sugar, give someone some sugar, gra, having a bit, having a technicolor laugh, having a technicolor yawn, having a technicolor yodel, having sex, hint of lavender, hint of mint, infected, ithyphallophobia, kidding around, lard ass, leggy, likes it wet, limp-wristed, love cracked, love favor, love letter, marathon, moll about in the head, nancy boy, no love lost, off-color, on the razzle, open marriage, pachyhymenia, piquant, pitching a tent in one's shorts, polygamy, riding in another mans saddle, scrotal, set one's cap for, sextractive, squelching, streamlined, studly, teated, temuvalent, teretophallic, tripsolagnia, troilist, twosies, weak sister, win, zoo number, zoolinction
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