Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

baby child:

A baby boy or girl .
See Also: 18 USC CHAPTER 110, abnormal presentation, abuse-dwarfism, acknowledged father, adult baby, adultism, ampersand, ankle-biter, atelia, autopaedophilia, autopedophilia, babette, baby blues, baby buggy, baby bust, baby buster, baby child, baby motel, baby talk, baby-faced, babyolatry, bachelor's baby, base-begotten child, base-son, basket making, bastard, bib, billy, billy and doo, blasted event, blessed event, born out of wedlock, bot, botty, brat, brat-getter, bubbies' uncle, bush child, buster, by-chop, by-scape, by-slip, carnal abuse, catch colt, chance child, chester, Chester the Molester, chi-mo, chicken porn, child abuser, child molester, child porn, child pornography, come-by-chance, cradle-custard, cradle-robber, cradle-snatcher, curtain climber, daddy-type, diaphanophilia, didie, ding-dong, dippoldism, dishabillopedia, Disneyland daddy, doodle, father-to-be, fatherless, filius nullius, fruit of adultery, gaybee boom, half-pint, heredity, illegitimate, illegitimate child, infanticide, infantilism, intergenerational relationship, jazzy jane, kiddie porn, kiddy porn, kiddywinks, kipper, kiss-kiss, leg-biter, little deduction, little dividend, love begotten child, love child, make feet for children's shoes, make feet for children's stockings, make kissy-face, make licky-face, make smacky-lips, making bishops, making feet for children's shoes, making feet for children's stockings, merry-begotten, milkshakes, mizuko-jizo, moppet, natural child, nullipara, offspring of adultery, one-way, panty, pediaphobia, pedophobia, play a return engagement, play doctor, pom-poms, popo, pumping gas, puppy fat, quick, rug rat, semi-diesel, short-eyes, side-stroke, sinfant, slip-up, spurious offspring, squealer, surrogate mother, swiftie, tacker, take a whiz(z), tassel, teapot, teat, teratophobia, tiki, tomboy, toonkins, toonkuns, tree jumper, trick baby, Venus with a penis, wag, whore's kitling, whore's son, whorephan, winkie wankie woo, wood's colt

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