Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

Fuck art, let's dance:

T-shirt slogan of the 1970s; often rephrased: Fuck art, let's keep dancing / Fuck dance, lets art / Fuck art, lets rock / Fuck art, lets fart / Fuck art, lets kill! / Fuck Cisco, Let's dance! -> Posted at Everything2 (www.everything2.com) by Base8 (Nov 13 1999): 'This is the punchline to a joke we made up at our last LUG meeting. We were discussing the fact that it was the first and last year of the Cisco Networking Academy at our high school, because of the fact that they are requiring more non-interesting subjects, including Phy Ed. At that point, one of the guys there said, 'Fuck Cisco, Let's Dance!' and then started miming that stupid dance thing where you hit the poles against the floor.'

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